



  • One or two sentences providing a basic introduction to the field, comprehensible to a scientist in any discipline.
    • 首先是基础的介绍, 让大部分经过基础教育的人能看懂
  • Two to three sentences of more detailed background, comprehensible to scientists in related disciplines.
    • 随后是进一步介绍, 让相关专业人员能够看出研究的目的
  • One sentence clearly stating the general problem being addressed by this particular study.
    • 接着指出此次研究的主要研究问题
  • One sentence summarizing the main result (with the words “here we show” or their equivalent).
    • 给出结果(或者讲述预期的结果)
  • Two or three sentences explaining what the main result reveals in direct comparison to what was thought to be the case previously, or how the main result adds to previous knowledge.
    • 讲述结果意义1: 与过往的分析, 加强或者推翻了什么结论
  • One or two sentences to put the results into a more general context.
    • 讲述结果意义2: 讲述机制啊, 科研意义啊之类的
  • Two or three sentences to provide a broader perspective, readily comprehensible to a scientist in any discipline, may be included in the first paragraph if the editor considers that the accessibility of the paper is significantly enhanced by their inclusion.
    • 讲述结果意义3: 造福人类啊, 推进本学科进步啊, 之类的
  • Under these circumstances, the length of the paragraph can be up to 300 words. (This example is 190 words without the final section, and 250 words with it).

这种方式倒也自然, 而且也能把一个人的混乱的思维理清, 阅读论文也可以按照这个方式去提取主要信息, 还是好处多多的.