

William Strunk


  1. 行文要恰当布局,用词风格始终如一

  2. 段落当作基本单位,起始句大致有两种写法
    • 细节入手
    • 点明主题
  3. 主动语态比被动语态更加有力!!(明确表达的重点,并且注意There be的使用)
    • There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground.
    • —> Dead leaves covered the ground.<—-
    • The reason he left college was that his health became impaired.
    • —>Failing health compelled him to leave college.<—-
    • 简洁是生动有力的副产品。
  4. not本身语义暧昧,在写作中一般会被认作是回避深刻的讨论。
    • 可以使用肯定+否定格式:Not charity, but simple justice.
  5. 不必要的情态动词可以删去。

  6. 表达最好清晰具体
    • A period of unfavorable weather set in
    • —>It rained for a week.<—
  7. 删除冗余的词汇,这个需要长久的学习记忆。
    • there is no doubt that. —> doubtless
    • in a hasty manner —> hastily
    • the reason why … is —> because
  8. 大多数抽象名词都建议换成具象名词,形容词也是如此
    • the fact that 尤其无力,建议不要使用
    • effect 十分含糊
    • factor 完全是陈腐之词,如果句子太长不得不用。可以尝试更替句子结构。
    • nice 万金油单词,尽量少用吧。
    • meaningful, interesting 苍白无力,用counts heavily可能更好。
    • personalize personally 多余造作
    • feature 过于抽象
    • in terms of 大多数时候都是赘语
    • 比如 The job was unattractive in terms of salary.—> The salary made the job unattractive.